Dellner Dampers AB is an innovative Swedish company manufacturing customized damping solutions for vibration and energy absorption. Our customers are the market leaders in industries such as Bridge, Construction, Rail, Port and Energy but our solutions are also used in other business sectors where vibration and energy absorption are needed. Since 20 years we are the world leading supplier of viscous (hydraulic) dampers for cable-stayed and suspension bridges with continuous successful installations done on large span bridges all over the world. These purposely designed dampers mitigate wind/rain and traffic induced cable vibrations to improve cable lifetime with reduced maintenance cost but also increasing wildlife wellness by eliminating unwanted and disturbing frequences. Our seismic dampers (SVD) and shock transmission units (STU) in the STRUCPRO-series, are customized and available both as linear and non-linear in the range of 250-2500kN, all produced according to EN 15129:2009. Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD) used in buildings, slabs or bridge structures are designed and manufactured to unique customized specifications for various environments. For movable and bascule bridges we offer our gas-hydraulic energy absorbers in the HYBUFF G-series, reducing structural impact when opening and closing of the bridge. Dellner Damper - Stabilizing Your Movement.