Your search for Bolt Replacement and Tensioning Services found 5 companies. Click on the names of listed companies to view further details.

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  • MISTRAS Group
    Princeton Junction, United States of America
    MISTRAS Group is a leading OneSource™ provider of non-destructive testing (NDT), maintenance, access, and structural health monitoring (SHM) on a wide variety of bridges including cable stay, concrete, steel, suspension, and wooden structures. Our systems and services provide 24/7/365 continuous monitoring of bridges with proprietary acoustic emission (AE) technology for real-time defect detection, helping to minimize shutdowns while enhancing safety. Visit for more information and contact us so we can help you maximize the uptime and safety of your bridges and other infrastructure assets.
  • Applied Bolting Technology Products, Inc
    Bellows Falls, United States of America
    Applied Bolting Technology™ produces Squirter® DTIs (Direct Tension Indicators) that supply a bright orange indication when bolts have been tensioned, making tight bolts easy to see. DTIs are load cells that ensure compliance with bolting standards and specs. Torque, Part Turn and TCBs can all produce false-positive tension, and regularly do: Torque scatter is ±40 percent for new bolts, and worse for weathered. Relying on torque is optimism, at best. TCBs are torque bolts adversely affected by cold or wet weather. Part Turn can be defeated by misrepresenting turn angle, regardless of turn applied. DTIs read load. If a bolt is tight, a Squirter DTI will show it, independent of weather, torque, angle, tool or skill.
    Cramlington, United Kingdom
  • ITH Bolting Technology UK
    Burscough, United Kingdom
  • Nord-Lock Group
    Andover, United Kingdom

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