Your search for Drainage found 9 companies. Click on the names of listed companies to view further details.

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  • AquaDeck
    Walsall, United Kingdom
    AquaDeck is the new Combined Kerb Drainage System from Eccles. Made from high strength ductile iron it has been designed for use on bridges and elevated highways or where construction depths are limited. AquaDeck is fully compliant to the Harmonised European Standard BSEN1433. It carries the new UKCA Mark, which is required by law by January 2023. It has also been certified and awarded the prestigious BSI Kitemark, for additional quality and assurance. Designed and manufactured by Eccles, established in 1955, we have a rich history in the drainage industry. The AquaDeck system has been supplied to some of the longest bridge drainage runs seen anywhere in the world, including at the Staffordshire Western Access Road Improvement Scheme, M56 Smart Motorway Upgrade, River Moy Bridge and N5 Highway in County Mayo, the Liverpool Street Corridor Scheme and many more.
  • ACO Technologies PLC
    Shefford, United Kingdom
    Throughout the world, the ACO brand is recognised as a leading supplier in the design, development and manufacture of surface water drainage systems. ACO KerbDrain Bridgedeck is a versatile combined kerb and drainage system designed to effectively manage rainwater on bridges. These one-piece units are certified up to Load Class D 400 and are available in both Half Battered (HB) and Splayed profiles (SP) to meet different site requirements. The product is manufactured from ductile iron and is a Type I system, which means that no concrete bed surround is required for installation. Additionally, the range includes expansion joint solutions that prevent water damage to the joints and allow the flow of water to continue from the bridge to the highway.
  • USL Structural Protection
    Washington, United Kingdom
    USL Structural Protection is a market leader in the provision of specialist civil engineering and construction solutions for bridges and structures. With product systems like PITCHMASTIC, BRITDEX, MATACRYL, and others, the business has been at the forefront of cutting-edge resin and cementitious technology, combining high performing innovative products, first class operations, expert technical support, and unrivalled customer service. With a comprehensive portfolio of products and a highly developed global network, the business is focused on providing best in class specialist construction systems on a global basis.
  • Bridge Drainage
    Elsloo, Netherlands
  • Clark-Drain Ltd
    Peterborough, United Kingdom
  • Contech Engineered Solutions
    West Chester, United States of America
  • FRP Bridge Drain Pipe
    Lonoke, United States of America
  • Marshalls PLC
    Elland, United Kingdom
  • Tracey Concrete
    Ilkeston, United Kingdom

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